The Order Details page is the primary way to view all details of an Order at all stages of its lifecycle. The Order Details page can be accessed anywhere where a link is provided for an Order, and is immediately available from the moment that the Order is created in Dendi LIS or imported from an external vendor.
The Order Details page is continually updated as an Order moves through the lab workflow. It includes any information and relevant links regarding the Order. Most of the information (e.g., Account, Provider, Patient demographics/insurance) is directly editable on the Order itself.
Certain workflows such as Order rejection or results entry & verification are performed from the Order Details page.
Order Details - Manual Results Entry
The Order Details page is used to view individual Test results for an Order, but can also be used to enter results manually. Depending on the Test Profiles that were ordered, the Order Details page will load with the corresponding Tests to be populated. Additional Test Profiles can be ordered or archived (removed) as necessary.
The results section for Orders loads separately from the rest of the Order information. Orders with many Tests (100+) may take a while to load their results sections.
Order Details - Internal Tests
Internal Tests are denoted with a small “i” icon, and results for internal tests will not show up on reports - these results are for internal (lab) use only.
Order Details - Adding Test Profiles to existing Samples
Users may add additional Test Profiles to Samples by clicking on the list icon between the Sample Edit and ‘Add comment to Sample’ buttons.
Order Details - Clinical Questions
Clinical Questions & answers for the given Order will be shown on the Order Details page, and users are able to edit answers by clicking on the yellow pencil icon.
Order Details - Results Call Log
If any saved result for a given Test is considered “critical” or noteworthy (subject to Test setup) based on the reference range values that were set for that Test, the Test result is automatically included in the results call log.
As per regulatory requirements, a lab user must record on the results call log page attempts to contact the referring provider regarding any relevant results.
Order Details - Comments
Any internal users can add comments on the Order Details page. Comments are a way to communicate with internal lab staff and help to meet regulatory requirements. As such, they should be used liberally whenever possible.
A comment can be made anywhere where the above icon appears. Any comments marked as Public (Reported) may be included in the final report. Comments include timestamps and include user information.
Comments can also be edited after they are created. Editing a comment replaces the previous comment, and the user that edited the comment will be visible on the comment as well. This helps maintain the chain of custody.
Order Details - Order Audit Log
An audit log is available for the Order Details. This includes information regarding which Tests and Test Profiles were added, updated, or archived. In addition, it also includes information on who performed these actions and when the actions were performed.
Any comments related to the Order are also included as well.
Note: because Dendi LIS does not explicitly “delete” data, all archive actions are considered an “edit”.
Note: Dendi is continually working on improving the audit log so that it is more robust. This is a work-in-progress, so please expect to see changes (improvements) in the next few months.
Order Details - Results Audit Log
This audit log is distinct from the Order audit log in that it only includes information regarding Test results. All updates to an Order’s Test results are recorded on this page - this includes the qualitative/quantitative values that were changed as well as the associated user/timestamp.
Order Details - Results Verification & Report Generation
Results for an Order can be entered & saved, but cannot be verified unless the Order has been marked as received. This guardrail exists regardless of the method of results entry - manual, API-based, or through an instrument integration.
Any (or all) of these conditions must be met for a report to be generated:
- Any Test that can be partially reported was verified. This means that verifying even one Test that is partially reportable will trigger a report to be generated. Reports generated under this condition will be denoted with Reported: Partial
- All Tests have been verified
Order Details - Report Options (Preliminary or External Reports)
At the top right of the Order Details page, you can click on the “Report Options” button to see further options for viewing/generating preliminary reports or uploading external PDFs as reports.
- Preliminary Reports will show all results that have been thus far saved. You may consider generating these reports if a Provider is asking for an update.
You can upload an external PDF to an Order in lieu of / to replace the Dendi-generated report. This can be done by clicking on the "Report Options" dropdown in the Order Details page of an Order that has been received, and selecting "Upload External Final". Once a PDF has been uploaded, the Order will be marked as Reported. If you want to replace an already-reported Order's PDF, simply amend the Order and follow the same instructions.
Order Details - Report History
All reports that are generated in an Order are visible once an Order has been reported. If a report has already been generated for an Order, any subsequent reports will be marked as Amended.
The amended designation is included in the LIS as well on the actual report itself, as per regulatory requirements.
Any reports generated previous to the absolute final report can be opened and seen by lab users.
Note: the report history will only be visible when an Order has the status of Reported.
Order Details - Order Rejection
An Order that is not reported can be marked as rejected from the Order Details page by clicking the “Order Options” button and selecting “Reject Order”. Clicking this will take you to a page where you have to list the reason for rejection. Once an Order is rejected, its Order status will change to Rejected. You cannot save Test results to rejected Order, nor can you verify any existing saved but unverified results. To view rejection details for a rejected Order, click on “Order Options”, then select “View Rejection Details”.
Rejected Orders & reasons for rejection are similarly available for viewing by external users (Providers, Account Admins, and Collectors) within the Dendi Portal.
Similar to how reported Orders have a final report PDF, rejected Orders will have a rejection report PDF that states the reason for rejection, a user who rejected the Order, and the date/time of rejection.
Order Details - Generating & Viewing Requisition Forms
For a given created Order, a requisition form can be generated that contains information/details related to the Order (patient demographics, Test Profiles ordered, AOE/clinical questions, etc.). Once the requisition form is generated, you can click View to see a saveable/printable PDF, and Refresh to regenerate the requisition form based on the current Order information.
Order Details - Archiving Orders
An Order that is not reported can be archived from the Order Details page by clicking the “Order Options” button and selecting “Archive Order”. Once the action is confirmed, the Order will be moved to the Archived Orders page within the Archived Items section. Archived Orders do not appear in other parts of the LIS.
Order Issues
The Order Issues page is where all issues for a given Order are recorded. If an Order is labeled with an issue, the Order Details page will display a banner like the one below:
Order issues do not block any part of the workflow, but the red error banner is meant to provide a visual indicator to lab users that some parts of the Order may be amiss. The most common use case for an Order issue is missing patient demographic information.
Individual Order issues themselves can be added and managed on the Order Issues page. They can be commented on or marked as resolved. Once all Order issues are resolved, the Order Details page will no longer display a red error banner. Specific issues may also be marked as public, which means that if unresolved, public issues will be shown on final reports.
To read more about issues, please refer to Dendi LIS Documentation - Issues.
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