Below you will find various instructions that you can share with your non-lab staff, and external users (Providers, Account Admins, and Collectors).
User Settings
The items in the following section dealing with managing user settings (password, time zone, etc.).
Logging Into Dendi LIS
Providers and Collectors log in with username and password. Account Admins log in with email addresses and passwords.
Resetting Password
From the login page, click the “Forgot Password?” link, then enter your email address. You will be sent an email with a new password. Once you use this password to log in, you can set a new password by going to your user settings.
For Providers and Collectors, you must have an email address associated with your user in order to handle password resets yourself. If you do not, please contact either an Account Admin or a lab staff member to assist you with the reset.
Changing Time Zone or Password
Log into Dendi LIS, then click on your name in the top right corner of any page, then click “Settings”. From there, you can change your User Time Zone or set a new password.
If you wish to change your email address, please contact a lab staff member to assist you.
Please see the Recording Loom Video below on how to change the password and update your timezone.
Managing Provider Address (Providers, Account Admins, and Internal Users only)
As an Account Admin/Internal User:
- Log in to the LIS with your email and password.
- Click on the "Groups" tab on the top navigation bar.
- Select "Providers" from the sub-menu.
- Choose the Provider that you want to update the address for and click on the "Yellow Pencil Icon" button to edit
- Enter the necessary details on the Address section of the page.
- Click on the "Update Provider" button to save the changes.
As a Provider:
- Log in to the LIS with your email and password.
- From the left side navigation bar, click on "Tools".
- Select "Provider Address" from the options listed.
- Enter your address
- Finally, click on the "Update Address" to save the changes
Adding/Updating Provider Signature(Providers, Account Admins, and Internal Users only)
As an Account Admin/Internal User:
- Log in to the LIS with your email and password.
- Click on the "Groups" tab on the top navigation bar.
- Select "Providers" from the sub-menu.
- Choose the Provider that you want to update the signature for and click on the "Yellow Pencil Icon" button to edit
- Scroll down to the "Provider Signature" section and click on the "Add/Update Provider Signature" button.
- You can now upload an image file of the signature or draw a new signature
- Once you have uploaded or drawn the signature, click on the "Save" button to update the signature of the Provider.
- Finally, click on the "Update Provider" button to save the changes.
As a Provider:
- Log in to the LIS with your email and password.
- From the left side navigation bar, click on "Tools".
- Select "Provider Signature" from the options listed.
- You can now upload an image file of your signature or draw a new signature
- Once you have uploaded or drawn your signature, click on the "Save" button to update your signature.
Patient Management
The following items deal with managing Patients.
Viewing Patients List
From the left side navigation bar, find “Patients” under “Groups”. Clicking this will take you to a page that lists out Patients. You will see all Patients associated with Accounts with which you are yourself associated.
Adding a New Patient
From the Patients page, click the “+Patient” button. From there, you can fill out information relevant to that Patient. Mandatory fields are denoted with red asterisks.
Bulk Creating Patients
From the Patients page, click the “Bulk Create Patients” button. From there, you can download the template, populate it with the necessary patient information, and then upload back into Dendi LIS. When a file is being uploaded, Dendi LIS will check to make sure all rules are obeyed. Please upload no more than 1000 patients at a time.
Viewing & Editing Details for an Individual Patient
From the Patients page, find the Patient you want to edit, then click on either their first or last name. From here, you can view and manage information regarding demographics, medication, and insurance. You can also add documents, leave comments, and see reported Orders for that Patient. Mandatory fields when adding or editing information are denoted with red asterisks.
You can also add, manage, or archive Patient Insurance, Subscriber Details, Workers’ Compensation, and Patient Guarantor fields.
Adding Dependent Patients
You can add dependents to a primary Patient (policyholder) from that Patient’s details page. Click the ‘+Dependent’ button, then fill in the necessary fields, similar to how you would create a new Patient. Dependents will inherit insurance information from the primary Patient, and can optionally also use the policyholder’s address. Even if inherited, insurance & address information can be directly edited for the dependent at any point in the future.
Note: Dependents can be created and details can be edited, but at this time there is no way to unlink a dependent from the primary Patient.
Archiving Patients & Dependents
To archive a Patient, click on the red trash can button and confirm that you wish to archive. Please note that archiving a Patient with Dependents will also archive all associated Dependents. You can also similarly archive Dependents directly.
Note: Patients and Dependents can be archived, but not unarchived. If you wish to have a Patient/Dependent unarchived, please contact the lab.
Merging Duplicate Patients
Occasionally, duplicate entries will be created for a Patient. In those cases, you can use the Merge Patients functionality to remove duplicates. To do this, navigate to the Patient details page that you want to keep, and then click the “Merge Patients” button. You can either select from a list of possible duplicates or search for a specific Patient to merge.
When merging duplicates, the “duplicate” Patient will have his/her Orders and results assigned to the “primary” Patient. All other information related to the “duplicate” Patient will be deleted and should be entered in manually as desired.
Managing Providers
The following items deal with managing Providers. These features are available only to Account Admins.
Viewing Providers List (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the left side navigation bar, find “Providers” under “Groups”. Clicking this will take you to a page that lists out all Providers that are part of your Account.
Adding a New Provider (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the Providers page, click the “+Provider” button. From there, you can fill out information relevant to that Provider. Mandatory fields are denoted with red asterisks. You can only associate these new Providers with Accounts with which you are yourself associated.
You can create a login for a Provider by setting an email, username, and password.
Viewing & Editing Details for an Individual Provider (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the Providers page, find the Provider you want to view/edit, then click on their NPI. From here, you can view and manage information related to that Provider, including their Patient list and Orders associated with them. Mandatory fields when adding or editing information are denoted with red asterisks.
If populated, Provider address will be used instead of Account address for "Ordering Provider Address" fields in state reporting CSVs.
You can also archive a Provider from their details page by clicking the red button with a trash can icon. If you wish to unarchive a Provider, please contact a lab staff member to assist you. Any archived Provider will be unable to log into Dendi LIS.
Managing Collectors
The following items deal with managing Collectors. These features are available only to Account Admins.
Viewing Collectors List (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the left side navigation bar, find “Collectors” under “Groups”. Clicking this will take you to a page that lists out all Collectors that are associated with Accounts with which you are yourself associated.
Adding a New Collector (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the Collectors page, click the “+Collector” button. From there, you can fill out information relevant to that Collector. Mandatory fields are denoted with red asterisks. You can only associate these new Collectors with Accounts with which you are yourself associated.
You can create a login for a Collector by setting an email, username, and password.
Viewing & Editing Details for an Individual Collector (Account Admins only)
This is only applicable to Account Admins. From the Collectors page, find the Collector you want to view/edit, then click on their Name. From here, you can view and manage information related to that Collector, including any related notes or comments.
To edit Collector information, click on the “Edit Collector” button. Mandatory fields when adding or editing information are denoted with red asterisks.
You can also archive a Collector from their details page by clicking the red button with a trash can icon. If you wish to unarchive a Collector, please contact a lab staff member to assist you. Any archived Collector will be unable to log into Dendi LIS.
Managing Orders
The following items are related to the creation of Orders, printing sample labels, and viewing results for reported Orders.
Creating a New Order
From the left side navigation bar, find “Dashboard”. Clicking this will take you to a page where you can click the “+Order” button. Navigate through the various steps to create the Order. Mandatory fields are denoted with red asterisks. If at any point you cannot proceed, please contact your lab staff.
After completing creation of an Order, you can optionally print out labels to put on your containers using a Dymo printer. After this step, you will be taken to the Order Details page for that Order, where you can view or edit information as necessary.
For specific steps on creating an Order, please refer to Dendi LIS Documentation - Order Creation.
Printing Sample Labels
We exclusively support Dymo label printers for external users. Other label printer brands are not compatible with our system. The recommended label size is 1” x 2⅛”.
Orders Table
The primary way to view Orders is on the Orders page (Orders → Orders). This table contains a list of all Orders in the system applicable to your user, and provides various filters for drilling down to more specific subsets of Orders.
Note: All filters will be applied with AND operators. For example, utilizing filters for Status = Unreceived and Account = Durham Clinic will show all Unreceived Orders from the Durham Clinic Account.
Details for an individual Order can be viewed by clicking on the Order Code link in the table. You can view details for Orders that are Unreceived, Reported, or Rejected, but not for those that are received & still being worked on by the lab (Pending Report).
Viewing Reports and Results
From the Dashboard page, you can view results for Orders for Reported or Rejected Orders.. From the Results Inbox, you can print out reports and mark them as read to clear them from the inbox. To see your Order history, click on the “Report History” button or visit the Orders page.
Viewing Test Results
From the left-hand navigation menu, expand “Analytics”, then click on “Test Results”. From here, you can quickly see all results for a given target/analyte, then optionally export these results to a CSV by clicking the “Export to CSV” button.
Generating Batch Reports
From the left-hand navigation menu, expand “Analytics”, then click on “Batch Reports”. From here, you can generate one consolidated PDF based on selected filters with the “Generate Batch Report” button.
Viewing Shipping/Storage Instructions
You can navigate to this page from Orders → Shipping/Storage Instructions. This page allows you to write instructions written by the lab for handling/storing/shipping specific sample types.
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