The Pooled Orders page (Pooled Testing → Pooled Orders) will show history for Bulk Pooled Orders and the Pooled Orders within them. Clicking on a Bulk Pooled Order ID will take you to the details page for that specific Bulk Pooled Order, and clicking on a Pool ID will take you to the details page for that specific Pooled Order.
Bulk Pooled Order Details Page
The Bulk Pooled Order Details Page contains all of the information associated with the entire batch such as:
- Details about the batch, including the size of the pools and Patient Organization
- Pooled Orders List
- Sample labels for all associated Pooled Orders
- Sample labels for individual Orders that are part of Pooled Orders
Pooled Order Details Page
A Pooled Order Details Page contains the list of Individual Orders that were created within that pool, the label for the pooled sample, as well as the Order Codes for the individual Orders constituting that Pooled Order.
Resulting & Verifying Pooled Orders
Pooled Orders can be resulted exactly like Individual Orders - either manually through the Pooled Order Details page, or through the results imported from an instrument integration.
Verification is also very similar to the verification of Individual Orders. Verification can be performed individually for a Pooled Order from the Pooled Order Details page, or in bulk through the Pooled Orders: Verification section. (Pooled Testing → Pooled Orders: Verification)
Configuring Logic for Individual Orders based on Pooled Order Result
Once a Pooled Order is resulted and verified, the Individual Orders within that Pool will have their status updated depending on the settings selected on the Pool Results from the Logic section of the Test Details Page.
The actions are configurable based on the Qualitative Result Value. By default, if the Pooled Result is Not Detected, the results of the pool will be copied to the Individual Orders and the results will be verified. For all other results, the Individual Order Status will change from “Pending Pool Results” to “Pending Results”, the Individual Orders will become available to be edited and resulted, and a comment will be added to the Individual Orders noting that due to the Pooled Order Results, each Individual Order will need to be tested as necessary.
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