The Lab Setup page provides users with a quick overview of important aspects to set up or maintain for configuring the LIS. The most important elements that can be directly configured from this page are Laboratory Name, In-House Lab Locations, Outbound Email Addresses, Webhooks, and Advanced Settings. This page will also show the number of Tests, Test Profiles, Instrument Integrations, and, Lab Departments/Sections in the LIS.
In-House Lab Locations
In-House Lab Locations (IHLLs) can be used to represent different lab sites for your lab. By default, one IHLL is set up upon the creation of a LIS environment. Users can add as many IHLLs as they would like.
Each IHLL should be populated with information such as Lab Director, CLIA ID, Time Zone, Laboratory Logo, etc. The information provided on the IHLL details page will be used on reports generated. By default, Dendi provides a report disclaimer statement that appears at the end of each result report PDF, but this can be changed by the lab for any or all IHLLs.
One IHLL has to be set as the default location. When an external user (Provider, Account Admin, or Collector) creates an Order, that Order will be associated with the default IHLL unless the Account on the Order is configured otherwise.
Tests will give you the number of tests offered in the LIS. Clicking the hyperlink will route you to the Lab Menu tab where you will see the tests in the LIS. Please refer to Dendi LIS Navigation Menus - Lab Menu
Test Profiles
Test Profiles will give you the number of test profiles offered in the LIS. Clicking the hyperlink will route you to the Lab Menu tab where you will see the test profiles in the LIS. Please refer to Dendi LIS Navigation Menus - Lab Menu
Instrument Integrations
Test Profiles will give you the number of test profiles offered in the LIS. Clicking the hyperlink will route you to the Instruments tab where you will see the instrument Integrations in the LIS. Please refer to Dendi LIS Navigation Menus - Instruments
Add Outbound Email Addresses
From the Lab Setup page, you can set an email that will be used when emails are sent to users (Patients, Providers, Account Admins, and Collectors) for various items like support email, results notifications, and password resets. If no email is provided, then will be used by default. Please note that this email address is not monitored by Dendi.
Regardless of any provided email, will always be used for auto-triggered emails sent to internal users (lab staff).
Advanced Settings
Note: the Advanced Settings feature is constantly updated and tweaked to better provide configurability within Dendi LIS. Some of these settings have significant side effects, and the changes must be deliberated upon in advance. For any questions regarding the settings, please contact Dendi Support.
The link for the Advanced Settings page is located under Admin Tools (sidebar) → Lab Setup.
As can be seen in the image below, the link is at the bottom of the page. As with the rest of the pages under Admin Tools, only users with admin privileges are able to access this page, and they are hidden from view otherwise.
When any of the Advanced Settings are updated, the changes are propagated immediately. This means that if a setting is toggled ON/OFF during normal lab operations, there is potential for other users of Dendi LIS to be affected, especially if they are in the middle of completing a task.
For these reasons, any significant changes to the settings should be communicated to all LIS users (at the lab as well as at each Account).
In terms of each individual setting, the description is relatively self-explanatory:
In order to save and propagate any changes made, the user must press the “Save Advanced Settings” button.
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