Providers are people with NPI numbers (generally doctors or physicians) that can create Orders on behalf of Patients. To access the Providers page, use the sidebar, go to Groups, then click on Providers.
Providers can be associated with many Accounts as well as many Patients. Unlike Accounts, Providers are not directly associated with Collectors.
If populated, Provider address will be used instead of Account address for "Ordering Provider Address" fields in state reporting CSVs.
You are able to upload documents specific to a Provider in the Provider Documents section from a Provider’s details page.
In order to have Providers log in to the Dendi External User Portal, you must set an email address. Initial instructions to set a password and login will be emailed to the Provider, after which they can then log in. From this portal, a user is able to create orders, view reports, etc.
Providers can manage their own signatures within the Dendi Provider Portal, but you can also do so from the Provider Details page.
For more information on Providers, please refer to Dendi LIS Navigation - User Types.
To download a list of Providers & associated information, you can click on the “Export to CSV” button from the Groups → Providers page. The downloaded dataset will reflect any currently applied filters, and export files will be available from Analytics → Data Exports.
For more information on the Data Exports page, please refer to Dendi LIS Navigation - Analytics.
Here is a demo video on how to create a Provider on the LIS
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