Collectors are people who collect samples from Patients for testing. Collectors may be employed by an Account or by the lab directly. To access the Collectors page, use the sidebar, go to Groups, then click on Collectors.
Collectors can be specifically associated with one or more Accounts, or you can specify for a Collector to always have access to all Accounts.
In order to have collectors log in to the Dendi External User Portal, you must set an email address. Initial instructions to set a password and login will be emailed to the Collector, after which they can then log in. From this portal, a user is able to create orders, view reports, etc.
By default, Collectors are able to manage Patients and create Orders. If you wish for a Collector to be able to view reported Orders, check the box for “Collector can view reported orders”.
Here is a demo video on how to create a Collector on the LIS
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