The Lab Menu contains a collection of pages for creating and editing different objects related to laboratory operations including different groupings of Tests, medications, and container types.
The Tests page enables users to define new types of laboratory Tests and edit existing Test types.
The Test Categories page enables users to set categories for organizing Tests in the user interface. These categories are used to arrange and display Tests on any pages that allow users to select individual Tests.
The Test Profiles page allows users to define and edit groupings of Tests, referred to as Test Profiles, that can be selected together when creating an Order.
The Super Test Profiles page allows users to define and edit groupings of Test Profiles, referred to as Super Test Profiles, that can be selected together when creating an Order.
The Container Types page enables users to define and edit different types of sample containers. These containers can then be associated with different Tests.
The Clinical Questions page allows users to view & manage already-created questions or create new Clinical Questions.
The Sample Sources page allows users to manage the list of available sample sources
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