If the printer is not showing as an available Printer when you are printing Samples, please follow these troubleshooting steps to fix the issue:
Using the Printnode login credentials that we gave you, Log in to https://api.printnode.com/app/print
Click on “Devices” to see all the statuses of the computers and the printers that are logged in to PrintNode.
Find the Printer that the laboratory is having issues with. If the Printer that you are looking for is showing as Offline or not showing at all, then it means that they are not logged in to Printnode or it does not have Internet Access and that’s the reason why it’s not showing as an available Printer when they are trying to print labels.
Once you find out that the Printer is not logged in to PrintNode, follow these troubleshooting steps:
From the Devices Page on the Printnode website, delete the computer that was showing disconnected.
2. Find the PrintNode Settings on the Notification Area of the Computer. The notification area is located at the right end of the taskbar. It looks like this:
3. Click on the PrintNode app, on the Account, click on Logout
Log back in using the login credentials of the lab that you will find on 1Password.
Once they’re logged in, it should show on the PrintNode account that the Printer is connected and should allow them to choose the Printer when they print labels.
How to Find the Computer’s Name:
Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties. The computer name appears under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.
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