To create a new Order, click on the “+ Order” button from your Dashboard page. This will begin the Order creation process.
After starting an Order, you are able to navigate to already-completed sections from the progress tracker to make changes as necessary. Completed sections will be blue in color, while incomplete sections are shown in grey. Certain changes in earlier sections may necessitate re-populating later sections. For example, if the sample selection is changed, then you will have to re-enter Test Profile & Test information.
Note: Mandatory fields in the Order creation process are denoted by a red asterisk (*).
Enter Order Information
The first step to creating an Order is to choose the Order Type, Standing Order, Account, Provider, Patient, and, Fasting Status.
Note: ICD-10 Code selection has been removed from the first page of Order Creation and moved to the Sample Information page. ICD-10 Code Selection is now called Diagnosis Code Selection.
What you will be asked to specify is based on your user type.
- Account Admins will be asked to specify Order Type, Standing Order, Account, Provider, and, Patient
- Collectors will be asked to specify Order Type, Standing Order, Account, Provider, and, Patient
- Providers will be asked to specify Order Type, Standing Order, Account, and, Patient
You may fill out Account, Provider, and Patient in any order. Once you’ve selected a value for a given field, the remaining unpopulated fields will be filtered appropriately. For example, if you first select “Pyotr Babaev” as the Patient, then the Account and Provider dropdowns will only show Accounts & Providers associated with Pyotr Babaev.
Note: For Account Admins & Collectors, the dropdowns for Providers and Patients will show only Providers/Patients associated with the selected Account. This is to prevent accidentally creating Orders for the wrong Account/Provider/Patient combination.
Standing Order
Standing Order is a new feature for users to set up future orders that need to be automatically repeated at a specific interval. This feature is especially useful for recurring testing that is critical for patient care. For more information, please go to Orders - Standing Orders
If you've chosen "Yes" in the Standing Order section, you will have to enter "Standing Order Initiation Date and Time", "Frequency", and, "Standing Order End Date and Time"
All orders that were created on the duration that was set will be shown under the Orders - Standing Orders Tab
Please note that Enter Sample Information and Clinical Questions are skipped if Standing Order is chosen.
Enter Patient Insurance
By default, already-created Patients will have their insurance information displayed. Should you need to alter or add new insurance information, you can do so from this page.
Insurance options are Unknown, Self Pay, Client Bill, or Insurance. If you choose Insurance, you are given the option to add information for various insurance - primary, secondary, tertiary, and workers’ compensation
If you select ‘Insurance’, you are additionally able to choose Payer Types (Commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, or Other). While you may add your own Payer Names, please try to first search to see if your lab has already created the Payer entity in question by searching in the Payer field.
Note: Only Verified Payers will show up in the search results when you are searching for Payers. If you create a new Payer as a result of creating an Order, please contact the lab in order to have them review and verify the Payer.
If you have to create multiple Orders on a new (unverified) Payer, simply type the same Payer Name into the “Payer Name (if not found in Search)” field.
Enter Patient Medication
On this page, you can optionally enter medications that are currently being prescribed to the Patient. Future Orders created for the same Patient will reflect the prescription list.
In addition to choosing medications from the “Prescribed Medications” dropdown list, you can also optionally enter medications not found in the list in the freeform “Additional Medications” box.
Select Super Test Profiles
Super Test Profiles are groups of Test Profiles, combined together to allow for easier selection during the Order creation. Greyed-out Super Test Profiles are not applicable to a sample.
Note: If there are no applicable Super Test Profiles for the sample(s) selected, the “Select Super Test Profiles” screen will be skipped.
Select Test Profiles & Tests
Test Profiles (also known as Test Panels) are groups of Tests. You must choose at least one Test Profile to move forward. You can expand & view individual Tests for a Test Profile by clicking the > button next to the Test Profile name. You can also search test profiles by name, code, alternate ID, category, and reference lab.
For each selected Test Profile, you must specify the associated sample type. Test Profiles with only one option for sample type will have that option populated by default. However, if there is more than one option for sample type on a given Test Profile, you will have to choose from the dropdown.
Enter Sample Information
Once you have selected all your Test Profiles and their associated sample types, on the next screen you will be prompted to enter sample information for each sample that will be collected from the Patient for testing.
The fields for “Sample Type” “Collection Date & Time” and "Collected By" are mandatory, but “Temperature”, “Container”, "Number of Containers Received" and “Collection Charge” are optional.
Diagnosis Code Selection
The selection of Diagnosis Codes has been moved to after the selection of Test Profiles during the Order Create process. We recently introduced (02/14/2023) Diagnosis Code Pick List wherein Internal Users have the ability to select a group of Diagnosis Codes most commonly utilized for a Test Profile to appear first when selecting the Diagnosis Code during the Order Create process. This can be set up Lab Menu - Test Profiles
Please note that collection dates & times are recorded in the user’s timezone.
For more information on changing your timezone, please refer to Dendi LIS Documentation - Dendi Portal (External Users).
Clinical Questions
Based on the samples & Test Profiles chosen, you may be asked to answer various clinical (ask on order entry) questions configured by the lab for each sample.
Questions may be multiple choice or short entry and can be mandatory or optional. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
Note: If there are no Clinical Questions for the selected samples or Test Profiles, the Clinical Questions page will be skipped.
Patient or Authorized Signature
Depending on your testing lab’s LIS configurations, this page may not be available. If it is, then the Patient or Authorized Signature page will show messages configured by the lab (ex., consent statements) specific to the selected Account for the Order. Additionally, there will be a section for the patient or authorized user to draw a signature.
Review Order
Before submitting your Order, you will have a chance to review all the information that you’ve provided thus far. Should you wish to make any changes, you can navigate back to earlier pages as necessary.
If you have selected the sample type(s) for which the lab has provided shipping or storage information, you will be able to see this information from the review screen.
Once you are satisfied with the Order, click the ‘Next: Complete Order’ button at the bottom of the page to proceed.
Upload/Scan Documents
You will be routed to the page where you can Upload/Scan Documents for the Patient. To upload a file Choose a file, and press the Upload File Button.
Printing Labels
Once you have completed your Order, you will be shown again the details of the created Order. At this point, you should either print sample labels (for the sample containers) or generate a requisition form.
The requisition form can be generated by clicking on the ‘Requisition Form’ button, then select “Generate” from the dropdown. This will create an 8.5” x 11” PDF of the Order you just created, allowing you to print out the requisition form to send alongside the sample.
If you scroll a bit down the page, in the Samples section you will see the ability to print sample labels for each sample submitted as part of an Order.
Dendi exclusively supports Dymo label printers for external users. Other label printer brands are not compatible with our system. The recommended label size is 1” x 2⅛”.
If you get a popup saying “No Dymo Printers installed!”, please make sure that you have the necessary drivers installed and a Dymo printer connected to your computer from where you are making the Order.
Once either the requisition form or sample label(s) are printed, you can then send the Order (alongside any supporting documentation) to the lab, where it will be received, tested, and reported back to you in due time.
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